
S. Domenica – The True Heart

Project Details

Title: S. Domenica – The True Heart Year: 2018 Location: Scorrano

MarianoLight installs “The True Heart” in 2018 in Scorrano, the world capital of the Luminarie.
A majestic illusion that, thanks to RGB lights and special software, creates fascinating lighting effects and offers dazzling animations to the rhythm of famous music from Salento and beyond.
For the first time, a lighting installation is fully interactive for the thousands of spectators attending the festival. Through the use of ArtLight and LumiLight, the first a smartphone application, thanks to which users can decide and launch different scenes, animations and effects to illuminate The True Heart, the other a live control device, which allows with the movements of their hands to control the lights of the True Heart. Thus, it was the thousands of visitors who were the masters of the light and the millions of lamps that were switched on by a simple command on their mobile phone, or a movement of their hands free.
MarianoLight is proud to present once again in its 120th anniversary two absolute novelties in Scorrano with Il Vero Cuore: ArtLight and LumiLight.

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